Hot Tub Soaking And Laughter Are Good For Your Immune System

Humor is infectious. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress.

With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health.

When you combine the wellness benefits of hot water immersion with a laughter, now that’s the best medicine!   But just how do you get the laughter going?  Here are just a couple of ideas…

Get The Laughter Started

Share something that happened to you today that made you laugh, or that you found comical, without making fun of someone else.

Have everyone in the hot tub share of tell a joke.  Don’t remember one?  Well you still have to tell one.  Just make it up.  Even a bad joke will make everyone laugh. Or get everyone in the hot tub to make a silly laugh.  It will make you laugh and get the laughter started.

Hot Tub Charades

Pick a subject, like actors, music, t.v., books, animal, etc.  The first person to act will decide for himself what actor he want to act out, and everyone else will guess.  The person who is acting, must not speak.  The first person who guesses what they are acting out, will get a point.  If no one guesses, the person acting it out loses a point.  So the person who acts it will keep the game fair by not acting out something that is too difficult, but something that he believes someone will guess.  If you make any sounds while acting you, you will also lose a point. There is sure to be lots of laughter when you are playing this game.

Hot Tub Game

This is a team effort to try to reach 100 without making a mistake. Take turns counting, beginning with one. Every time you get to a number that’s divisible by seven (7, 14, 21) or has a seven in it (17), say “Hot Tub” instead of the number. If one person forgets to say “Hot Tub” everyone has to start over.

If this is too hard, say “Hot Tub” change it to every number that’s divisible by five. If you want a real challenge, try this little twist on the game, say “Spa” for every number with a three in it or that’s divisible by three, and “Hot Tub” for every number with a seven in it or that’s divisible by seven.

Where Do You Do It?

One person mimics a sound, and everyone tries to guess where this sound is performed. For example, you could make the sound of computer keys tapping, and the answer would be “in an office.” This game can degenerate quickly into bathroom humor, which may be why kids love it.

The Hot Tub Story

coastal spa patio hot tub laughter blog

This a fun game that has everyone telling a piece of the story.  The first person to start begins by saying “Once upon a time there was a ___________ who was soaking in HOT TUB and…”. Keep your opening to one sentence. 

The next person then comes up with the next sentence, and so on a so on.  It can be really funny to see what course the story will take on when each person has the freedom to change its course and have fun with the story line.  There is sure to be lots of laughter when this story is told.

ABC Hot Tub Memory Game

Select a category (example: famous people, foods, books, household items, etc.) The first person starts out by saying “I am going out to the hot tub and I am taking my _________ (something that starts with the letter A and in the category selected)) with me”  The next person goes and repeats what person before said, and adds the next letter.  And so on an so on.

These are just a few of the fun activities that you can do when soaking with a group in your hot tub that will not only bring you closer to your friends and family but will have everyone roaring with healthy laughter, while giving your immune system a boost.


If you are interested in learning more about the wellness benefits of a hot tub, give us a call today (714) 693-3404.

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